79 Jumma Mubarak quotes, status, and wishes with beautiful photos

Jumma Mubarak

Every Friday is considered the holiest day of the week for Muslims. And it’s also known as Jumma to them. On this sacred day, all the pious Muslims go to the mosque and participate in the Jumma prayer. Modern Muslims also celebrate this day by greeting each other with Jumma Mubarak quotes, status, and photos. They also publish Jumma Mubarak status on popular social media!

Nowadays, not only Muslims but people of other religions also wish Jumma Mubarak to their Muslim friends.

So no matter, whether you are a Muslim or belong to other religions if you are looking for some heartfelt and meaningful Jumma Mubarak quotes and status, you will find a magnificent collection of that in this comprehensive blog post!

Jumma Mubarak Quotes

🛐We are so lucky that we have got another Jumma in our life. Jumma Mubarak!

🛐On this holy day, may Allah listen to all of your prayers. Jumma Mubarak!

🛐May Allah grant all of your prayers on this holy Jumma. Jumma Mubarak to you!

🛐May Allah purify you from all sins on this sacred day. Jumma Mubarak to all.

🛐May Allah remove all of your sins and make you pure today. Jumma Mubarak.

🛐Jumma Mubarak! Today is a special day of seeking forgiveness from the Almighty Allah!

🛐Jumma Mubarak to you. May this blessed day bring eternal peace to your life.

🛐May today’s holy Jumma brings everlasting peace to all the Muslim’s life. Jumma Mubarak to all!

🛐Happy Jumma to you. May Almighty shower you and your family with enduring peace and happiness on this sacred day!

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Jumma Mubarak Status

Jumma Mubarak quotes

🛐Happy Jumma to all. May Allah guide all of us in the right way and forgive our mistakes!

🛐Allah always listens to His servant’s prayers, and only He can solve all of our difficulties. So always remember Him, and He will make you happy. Jumma Mubarak!

🛐Prophet Mohammad (SAW) talked about Friday and said: ‘There is an hour on Friday and if a Muslim gets it while offering Salat (prayer) and asks something from Allah, then Allah will definitely fulfill his demand.’ And he (the Prophet (SAW) pointed out the shortness of that particular time with his hands. Jumma Mubarak.

[Sahih al-Bukhari]

🛐Allah (SWT) created us all to worship only Him. You will find peace nowhere but only in remembering Him. Happy Jummah!

🛐Jumma Mubarak to you and your family. May Allah’s favor and love be always with you. You know that nothing is more precious than His support and love!

🛐Happy Friday! May you achieve Allah’s (SWT) countless Rehmat on this sacred day, and may He fulfill all of your demands!

🛐We all are sinners, but never be worried about getting Allah’s forgiveness because His kindness is endless. Happy Jummah!

🛐Jummah Mubarak to all. Each moment of today is filled with Allah’s (SWT) special Rehmat. So spend all day remembering Him, and you will surely be rewarded!

🛐The whole creation is surrounded by Allah’s favor and love. He always loves those who follow His orders. Happy Jumma!

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Jumma Mubarak SMS

Jumma Mubarak SMS

🛐As Muslims, we always should follow Allah’s (SWT) order. May Allah (SWT) enlighten your life with His favor. Jumma Mubarak!

🛐We should obey the holy Quran and sunnah at every step of our life. May Allah give us that spiritual power and patience. Jumma Mubarak to you!

🛐Every Friday, Allah opens the heavenly doors of His Rahmat for the Muslims. Let us grab His favor offering Jumma Salat. Have a graceful Jumma!

🛐Attending the mosque let us seek mercy from the Benevolent Allah and make dua for ourselves and our families. Wishing you a graceful Jumma!

🛐May Allah forgive us and reward us with Jannatul Ferdous. Jumma Mubarak to everyone!

🛐Today only the lucky persons attend the holy Jumma Salah and ask for the Almighty’s forgiveness. May Allah include us in them every Friday. Jumma Mubarak!

🛐The best day on which the sun has risen is Friday; on it, Adam was created. On it he was made to enter Paradise, on it he was expelled from it. And the last hour will take place on no day other than Friday. Jumma Mubarak.

[Sahih Muslim]

🛐Allah has created Paradise only for Muslims. But to achieve it, we must be the perfect Muslim. Jummah Mubarak!

🛐Every Friday, the whole day, I feel spiritual peace in my mind. On this holy day, from taking a bath to attending the Jumma Salah, everything is only for satisfying the Benevolent. Happy Jumma!

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Today is a special day of seeking forgiveness from the Almighty Allah

🛐Allah loves him, who loves Him, and prophet Mohammad (SAW). Jumma Mubarak!

🛐If we follow Allah and His messenger’s order, definitely, He will take over all the responsibilities of our life. Happy Jumma!

🛐Every Friday, attending the Jumma prayer, we feel the nearness of Allah. Jumma Mubarak!

🛐Listening to Khutbah and offering Jummah salah makes our Iman stronger. Jumma Mubarak to you all!

🛐The day of blessings has come back again today. So let us get prepared to welcome it. Jumma Mubarak!

🛐On this holy Jumma, may Allah light up our hearts with the Noor of Iman. Ameen!

🛐The five daily prayers, from one Jumuah to the next, and from one Ramadan to the next, are an expiation for whatever (sins) come in between, so long as one avoids major sins.

[Sahih Muslim]

🛐May the Almighty accept all our prayers, donations, and efforts and give us the highest rewards. Ameen!

🛐We all Muslims are brothers and sisters, so let us pray for each other today. Jumma Mubarak!

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Jumma Mubarak Wishes

Jumma Mubarak Wishes

🛐We should not miss the chance to grab all the benefits of this auspicious day. So let us attend the Jumma salah as early as possible and get more Sawab from Allah!

🛐Let us give up all the wrong things that Benevolent and His messenger don’t like, and let us practice all the good things that may bring Allah’s Rehmat to our life!

🛐Islam is the only religion designated by Allah. Let us get inspired by listening to the Jumma Khutbah today and follow the Islamic lifestyle every day!

🛐Wrongful acts may keep us away from Allah’s (SWT) blessings. So let us promise today to give up all the Haram works. May Allah accept us. Ameen!

🛐May Allah keep us away from all the Haram things, and may He enhance the Halal bread in our life. Jumma Mubarak!

🛐On this precious day, may Allah give us the spiritual power to give up all the Harams. Happy Jumma!

🛐Among the best of your days is Friday. So, pray to Allah frequently on it to bless me, for such supplications of you will be presented to me.

(Abu Dawud)

🛐Almighty Always accepts his repentance who apologizes for bad habits and cries to Him to seek His mercy. So let us repent today for all of our sins from our hearts. May Allah accept our heartfelt regrets. Ameen!

🛐May Allah protect us from the effects of Soytan and show us the right path in life. Jumma Mubarak to all of my Muslim brothers and sisters!

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Jumma Mubarak Messages

Jumma Mubarak Messages

🛐May Allah strengthen our Iman so that we can follow all the orders of Him. Jumma Mubarak!

🛐Allah has given us Islam so that we find the right way of living. May Allah give us the knowledge to realize the truth!

🛐We are lucky that we are Muslim because Allah will save only Muslims from the punishment of Jahannam!

🛐We all are afraid of being punished in Jahannam. So let us call Allah and ask his pardon. Jumma Mubarak!

🛐On this Jumma day, let us cry to the Almighty so that He might save us from the dangerous punishment of Jahannam!

🛐The followers of the devil will be thrown to hell soon. So always be careful of his promptings! Jumma Mubarak!

🛐Allah has created hell only for Soytan and his followers. May the Benevolent never include us in them. Jumma Mubarak!

🛐Allah has created heaven only for the followers of Him and His messenger. So let us promise today we will always follow Islam until our death. Jumma Mubarak!

🛐If a man takes bath on Friday, cleans himself as much as he can, oils his hair, applies perfume available in his house, sets forth for the mosque, does not separate two people (to make a seat for himself), performs as many Prayers as written [by Allah] for him, remains silent when the Imam speaks, his sins between that Friday and the following Friday will be forgiven.


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Jumma Mubarak Wishes For Friends

Jumma Mubarak to you my friend

🛐May Allah keep you healthy and happy. Jumma Mubarak to you, my friend!

🛐Jumma Mubarak, friend. Nothing is more important today than attending the mosque and offering Jumma Salah! Click to tweet

Jumma Mubarak quotes

🛐Happy Jumma. Remember Allah’s Rehmat in every step of your life and never be misguided by the Soytan!

🛐The devil is the main enemy in our life. Always fight the devil with your Iman on the Almighty. Jumma Mubarak, friend!

🛐Always keep up your Iman and then you will never be defeated by the devil. Happy Jumma, my friend!

🛐The devil always tries to misguide us, but if you have real faith in the Almighty he will never be able to do any harm to you. Jumma Mubarak!

🛐Allah loves the worship of younger people more than the older. So let us try our best to make the Almighty happy. Jumma Mubarak!

🛐If the Almighty is with you, no creation of this Universe can do any harm to you. So let us worship only Allah!

🛐Our life on this earth is too short. It will be worthwhile if we spend this short time following the rules of Islam. Jumma Mubarak, my friend!

Jumma Mubarak Quotes And Blessings

Jumma Mubarak Quotes and Blessings

🛐When you feel the weakness of your Iman, remember about the death, remember the darkness of the grave, and you will find the cause of rectifying yourself. Jumma Mubarak!

🛐Life on earth is nothing. Eternal life begins just after death. So always think of making your eternal life successful. Have a blessed Jumma!

🛐If we chase only the happiness of this earth, our eternal life will be spoiled. So let us accumulate some piety to make our eternal life pleasant. Stay blessed!

🛐We know that happiness on this earth is not stable at all. Endless happiness exists only in heaven. And there is no way to enter heaven without worshiping Allah!

🛐Our life on this earth will end through death, and then the real endless life will begin. May Allah make both our lives pleasant. Ameen!

🛐Don’t spend your life recklessly. Always remember that real life will begin just after death. So afraid Allah, afraid the hell!

🛐You will lose the priceless reward of Allah if you forget Him and forget His Rahmat upon you. So let us always be thankful to Allah for His endless Rahmat on us. Jumma Mubarak to all!

🛐Allah has arranged all the unimaginable elements of happiness into his Jannat. And He declared that only the Mumins deserve it!

🛐If you don’t want to ruin your afterlife, don’t give the devil control over your psyche. May Almighty save us all. Jumma Mubarak!

Jumma Mubarak Quotes and Images

🛐Allah never makes anybody despondent who wants anything from Him. So let’s don’t miss the chance to get rewarded by Him. Jumma Mubarak!

🛐Allah is always ready to help His creatures. We just need to remember Him and ask for His kindness!

🛐Every moment we are looking for just money and happiness. Let us take a break today and look for divine peace. Happy Jumma!

🛐We all are chasing power and money. But should not we remember death, and should not we be afraid of Allah? Jumma Mubarak!

🛐You will find heavenly peace nowhere, but only in worshiping Allah. And only the believers feel it. Happy Jumma to all!

🛐May Almighty bless the whole Muslim Ummah today and forever. Only He can save us from any pandemic and natural disasters. Jumma Mubarak!

🛐During the Jummah Salah, let us make Dua to the Lord so that He might save our life and wealth from any pandemic and disasters. Jumma Mubarak to all!


Hopefully, here you have found heartfelt Jumma Mubarak quotes and statuses that you can share with your friends, family, and beloved ones on every Jumma!